


Mohandas Gandhi

2006-09-02 20:21 阅读(?)评论(0)
 Young Gandhi
     Mohandas Gandhi, the youngest of four chileren, was born in India in 1869. His father was a minister to the king;  his mother was a loving and hardworking woman. Little Mohandas respected his father and always wanted to please him.He adored his mother. From her he learned to respect the Hindu religion.
    When Mohandas started school, he did not mix with the other children; he was shy and afraid of being laughed at. He did not like some of his studies, but in time he became an average student.
    When Mohandas turned thirteen, his parents found him a wife. Her name was Kasturbai. They were married in 1883.They were both fourteen years old.
    Monhandas Gandhi's childhood was over.
Life in foreign lands
    After Gandhi finished high school, he sailed to England to study law. While in England, he read about all kinds of religions. He soon realized that the basic teachings of most relingions are the same---to love and respect all living things and to live in peace. He accepted these teachings as the basis for his own life.
    After he completed his studies in England, he returned tu India to practice law. Gandhi discovered it would take time to establish himself. Hehad hardly any work in his first year. When he was asked to work for a rich businessman who lived in South Africa, Gandhi accepted the job. He sailed to South Africa.
    At that time, South Africa was not a friendly place for people from India. The government, which consisted of four self-governing British colonies, used its power to segregate Indians from the English people.
    Gandhi suffered many insults in South Africa. He learned how unfairly Indians were treated in that country. When his job at the law firm was done, he did not go home. He felt that he could not turn away from the injustice. He stayed to fight back.
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